2025 -2026 Registration for Grade 7 & 8 begins in February!
Parent & Students, be sure that you can log into your Infinite Campus accounts!
General Announcements
PROM Ticket Sales are now in Full Swing
Calling all Juniors and Seniors. PROM Ticket Sales have now begun. Make sure you get your PROM Form entirely completed, (Obligations and all), and bring with payment on our Sales Days. *PROM Forms must be picked up from school. More details are provided on the following link: JR/SR PROM FLYER
Service Hours Opportunities (SENIORS YOU NEED 20!)
Please check out our Service Hours Opportunities under the "Students" tab within the "Student Activities" section. Here is a recent flier from Camp Erdman for an opportunity.
New Price for Cap & Gown w/ Deadline #2
Seniors who have not purchased a Cap and Gown yet, the new price is now $20 more making it $79.69. The deadline for this price is on Saturday, March 1st. The price will increase again on March 2nd by another $20.00 making it $99.69. The ABSOLUTE FINAL DATE to order a Cap and Gown will be on Friday, April 4th; NO ORDERS CAN BE MADE THEREAFTER. This is the Mail in Order Form or this is the Directions to Order Online.
ACT Administration for all 11th-grade
All students classified as 11th grade will be taking the ACT exam on February 28th in the WHIS gym. Students will receive more information through their advisory classes.
Are you a graduating bilingual senior? You have the opportunity to earn the Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation. Click HERE for more info.
Principal's 2nd Cup of Coffee
Coffee and conversation with Principal Christine Alexander every 1st Wednesday of the month in the SASH at 8:15 am.
School Fees
The Increase of Fees Notification can be found here. And the following are the links that provide the fee information for the High School Form and the Intermediate School Form; they will be used during Kickstart.
Free and Reduced Meal Application
Resubmit your free and reduced breakfast/lunch application ASAP. You re-apply annually to be eligible for meal benefits. Please apply on the EZ Meal App.
Buy your WHIS sporting events online
Visit GOFAN.CO and search for Waialua High School to buy your tickets to attend football and volleyball OIA games.
Attendance Policy - Out sick? Report an Absence
Questions about WHIS' 1:1 Devices?
Check out the 1:1 Technology Resources for WHIS Students and Parents/Guardians link under the General Information navigation menu.
Intermediate Students
Intermediate school supply lists are ready!
Click here if you are interested in Waialua After-School All-Stars Hawaii
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Twitter: @allstarshawaii